Give Thnx

Hey there, are you waiting to see if we will all get another stimulus check?

Did you know you have the power to create your own income either by making your own work or starting a business? It's true. I've seen it time and time again where normal people take advantage of skills they already have to earn income far greater than a stimulus check. It can be as simple as using your cooking/baking skills or as complex as learning a new software skill such as Photoshop.

This website was started to pay it forward (Give Thnx) and spread the wealth of information that can help you achieve your resolutions/wishes/goals such as starting your own business, so you can achieve the life you desire.

The list of resources compiled below have been useful to me throughout key points in my life. Feel free to browse the list below and start with the resource that "speaks" to you the most. Each of these resources have a ton of information to review and process, so don't feel overwhelmed if something doesn't click right away. I spent years trying to truly understand this information, so it is only natural that it takes some time for it to make sense. I will update the list periodically if additional resources come to light that could benefit us all or if links stop working. Feel free to bookmark this page and keep an eye out for updates.

*** If you found this page useful, consider copying a link of this website: and sharing it with someone you care about.

*** Consider supporting the author/creator of the resource(s) that helped you (if any) once you are able to do so.

  1. The Secret (Film/Documentary)

    • Commentary: This is the resource that started it all for me. I first saw this film about 10 years ago and it captured my imagination of what life could be and motivated me to do something about it. I think this is a great resource for someone who is just starting to explore the depths of their mind for the discovery of what they are truly capable of. This film introduces something called the law of attraction and does a good job of portraying what could be had/obtained with the right state of mind. I do think this film has a slight focus on materialism, but it was obviously done to capture the general audiences' attention. Nevertheless, I still find myself recommending this film to those who are seeking a direction in life.

    • Note: From time to time there will be YouTube links with the full film. This page will updated if those links are available.

    • Full Film (Netflix):

  1. Bob Proctor

    • Commentary: Bob proctor was one of the guest stars in "The Secret". Aside from seeing him in "The Secret", I had also seen he had a presence on YouTube, which fueled my desire to look into his work. I find Bob to be an advocate for those who may not have been handed proper opportunities in life. He didn't have too much formal schooling, yet he is just as successful (if not more) as those who went through formal schooling. He has tons of media floating around on YouTube, but the three videos I decided to list here introduce and explain the following concepts: The Law of Attraction, The Law of Vibration, and Paradigms.

    • Note: The "vibration" that Bob talks about refers to the frequencies/energies that we posses and give off into the world. We have the power to change our vibration (frequency/energy), therefore we also have the power to influence what we attract in life. Another word for the "paradigm" that Bob refers to is a personality. Your paradigm (or personality) is a collection of habits that make up the way you act, talk, believe, etc.

    • Note: Once you have a good understanding of the 3 videos below, the next thing you have to ask yourself is what you truly want out of life. In fact, I believe the hardest part of improving your life is finding/discovering what you truly desire. Once you discover what you truly want, it will fuel your desire like none other. Dream Big!

    • The Law of Attraction Explained (YouTube):

    • The Law of Vibration Explained (YouTube):

    • What are Paradigms? (YouTube):

  1. 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself, Change Your Life Forever - Steve Chandler

    • Commentary: The name of the author of this book came to me in a dream while I was taking a nap. It wasn't until I woke up and googled the name in my dream that I realized the name correlated to a book that I could benefit from. Keep in mind, up until my dream, I had never come across the name Steve Chandler, or at least not to my knowledge. His book is concise and to the point, which makes it easy & quick to comprehend. I actually think the book is so good, that it could be the resource to read into after you understand the concepts of law of attraction, law of vibration, and paradigms from Bob Proctor (listed above). The reason is because this resource gives you methods on how to start on the path towards personal success, whereas the links I listed by Bob Proctor / The Secret are more about understanding why your life is the way it currently is and possibilities of changing it.

    • Note: I recommend playing the audiobook at 1.25x speed.

    • Full Audiobook (YouTube):

  1. The Magic of Believing - Claude M. Bristol

    • Commentary: This is the resource that "speaks" to me the most now that I have a decent understanding of how the mind works. I think of this book as the "big picture" that connects all the dots that I had gathered along my path to self-realization. I've read a lot of books before this one, but this one just put it into perspective for me in a simple and easy to understand manner. In addition, this book has some really good methods to jump start the real magic of believing in yourself.

    • Note: I think this is a really good resource to look into once you have a decent understanding of the concepts (Law of Attraction/Vibration/Paradigms) that Bob Proctor explains above, know at least 1 thing you truly want out of life, and have done a little thinking on how you may get that 1 thing. If you have done all of that, possessing the belief that you can actually obtain that 1 thing (or many things) you desire is a MUST. This book explains how the mind works, how belief comes into play, and even gives a few methods on how to start on the path of believing in yourself. Starting with smaller goals can make it easier to see the real magic of believing, which can lead you to tackle bigger and better goals.

    • Full Audiobook (YouTube):

    • Short Audiobook Summary (YouTube):

  1. Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

    • Commentary: Bob Proctor praises this book in many of his videos, so I decided to take a look into it. This book is a series of stories based on super successful people that demonstrated key attributes needed to accomplish their version of success. In short, this book is really good! I would almost say this is the only resource you need to get you on the path of personal success. However, I think this resource requires a good amount of patience to really understand the stories along with the key concepts being portrayed. I found that the people I would recommend this to wouldn't finish the book because it was too long for their current state of patience. For that reason, I attached a quick summary video of the book that I found on YouTube for those who would like a sneak peek into this treasure of a resource.

    • Full Audiobook (YouTube):

    • Quick Summary (YouTube):

  1. The Game of Life and How to Play it - Florence Scovel Shinn

    • Commentary: I actually found this resource on YouTube while searching for something else, but I ended up really liking this book because it compares life to a game. This book was published in 1925, so the manner in which the content is portrayed reflects those times. With that said, I find the concepts covered in the book to still be relevant today. This book is just like "Think and Grow Rich", but with a different approach to similar concepts. This book could almost be all you need to get on the path of personal success, but patience is needed to understand the concepts as they are described within mini-stories.

    • Full Audiobook (YouTube):

  1. The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle

    • Commentary: This resource was passed on to me by a good friend. I was surprised to receive this gift in the mail and after reading this book, I'm surprised I haven't come across this resource earlier. This book lets us know that we only have the power to influence and live in the present moment. We can't dwell on the worries of the future or the regrets of the past, otherwise we are wasting the present moment. This book has a goal of achieving a state of enlightenment in order to truly live in the present with no pain, which may not be everyone's goals. However, I also think this makes a good book to be reminded to live in the present and enjoy life to the fullest.

    • Full Audiobook (YouTube):

  1. The World is Your Oracle - Nancy Vedder-Shults

    • Commentary: I found this book while I was browsing a local book store. At that time, I felt like I was struggling on which direction to take with a major decision in life. While browsing the bookstore, I knew that I wanted to find something to could help guide me towards making the right decision, but I wasn't sure what form it would take. I browsed the travel, self-help, and mystical sections of the bookstore, but I wasn't finding a book that was calling my attention. As I was about to give up and leave, I saw this book from the corner of my eye. I was immediately drawn to the front cover, so I picked up the book and read the summary on the back cover. Printed on the back of the book were the following words: "Unlock your intuition for the answers to your deepest questions". I knew right then, I had to get that book. This book is amazing in terms of realizing (discovering) answers to questions you may have. Even with the wisdom and experience that our mentors' may have, sometimes you may feel that you need that additional reassurance or clarity. The techniques in this book help you tune into your intuition to get the answers you may be seeking. Personally, the auditory techniques in the book have helped me numerous times when I wasn't sure what path or decision to make.

    • Note: This is the only resource I listed that doesn't have a free offering via audiobook or ebook, but this could be something to look into once you explore some of the other resources on this list. For that reason, I didn't include a link.

  1. Prince EA - Richard Williams

    • Commentary: I stumbled upon the "Don't Catch the Virus" video from Prince EA in April of 2020 when the Covid-19 pandemic was underway and everything was being shut down. When I first watched this video, I was genuinely moved by the intensity and truth of the video. Unfortunately, the credits were edited out on the re-posted version I watched, so I didn't know who created it. After an hour or so of searching, I managed to find Prince EA's YouTube channel, which had the full version with credits. I browsed his channel and found a few videos that really spoke to me. I immediately sent links of these videos to my closest friends and family, because they were that powerful. I listed the videos that I sent below. These are short videos (<10 min each), so these are really good to watch when we need a "fast charge" of motivation/realization.

    • Don't Catch the Virus (YouTube):

    • Stop Wasting your Life (YouTube):

    • Don't Waste 2020 (YouTube):

  1. Additional Notes / Topics

    • Commentary: The list compiled above represents just a tiny fraction of the help / topics that are out there. You can achieve personal success with the few resources I listed above. However, there are numerous other resources that sum up similar life lessons. They may use different concepts or words, but the goal is the same. If your tempted to research a certain topic further, I listed a few below to get you started.

    • Note: If I had to chose one video for everyone to take a look at, it's the Self Discipline video linked below. Self Discipline is the one key attribute that will contribute towards your personal success because it is the part of you that will take action in making your dreams a reality. Self Discipline coupled with an understanding of key concepts noted on this website and an unwavering belief in yourself is a truly divine combination that will help conquer ANY goal you desire (no matter the size).

    • Note: If you find an amazing resource that is not listed here, feel free to tell me about it here!

    • 12 Laws of Karma (YouTube):

    • Energy, Frequency, Vibration and You (YouTube):

    • What are Affirmations? (YouTube):

    • How to Meditate For Beginners (YouTube):

    • What is Aura and How to Clean Your Aura (YouTube):

    • Building Unbreakable Self Discipline (YouTube):